I have come to love rituals. They were a foreign and uncomfortable idea for me until I was taught how truly easy and powerful they could be. I enjoy the constancy and peace that they bring to my heart. For many the word "ritual" may seem woo woo and scary, but it couldn't be further from the truth. A Ritual is defined as "an established or prescribed procedure for a religious or other rite." "A ceremony." Rituals can be as simple as lighting a candle to honor the dead, saying Grace before a meal or saying "Bless you" when someone sneezes. I have a morning "ritual" of lighting incense and a candle, turning on soft healing music, and drinking my first cup of coffee. I then meditate, channel or read Spiritual material. Following this ritual brings me peace of mind and readies me to tackle whatever this day may bring.
What I call "Sacred Ritual" is another way to connect with the energies all around us. We can create a special place to welcome in these energies by lighting candles, smudging, creating an altar and opening a circle. We do this to harness the energies and wisdom all around us for a specific purpose. We invite in the four directions, the elements (earth, air, fire, water & ether), Angels, Elementals, God, Goddess, Ancients, Elders, Wise Women, the Fey, Gaia and/or Helper Animals and Spirits. Because we are made up of the same vibrations as the Divine, we have the same miraculous ability as the Divine. Focus enables us to create in this powerful understanding. Sometimes we wish to invite in the loving grace of Mother Mary and let her energies wash over us like a healing balm. Another is to do a Full Moon ritual to invoke the power to open ourselves to greater knowing and deep connection to the Divine. It is a time of powerful intention and fruition. A ritual brings you into deep focus and aligns all of your energies in a specific direction. I think a bit of ritual is very satisfying to engage in every month.
I would encourage you to create your own daily or monthly ritual by asking yourself what seems to be lacking or missing in your life? If you don't resonate with this, maybe ask yourself if you wish for a deeper connection to the Earth, or Spirit? Something will show up that points you in the right direction. Begin simply, light a candle and offer gratitude for the blessings in your life. Write on paper your dreams, desires, needs and hopes and place this paper on your altar. Sprinkle in some love and voila! You have begun using Ritual to create a life you want.
Another fun ritual to do is to build an altar every week. Pick a theme for each week of the month. Select a space that gives you around 12 x12". It can be the top of a dresser, a book shelf, or a table. Cover it with a pretty cloth, select objects that are meaningful, like crystals, a picture that resonates (Ganesha, Lakshmi, Mary Magdalene, Earth, a goddess), a candle, a vase with flowers, a bowl of water....all or some of these can help you to bring your focus into one direction. Let's say you wanted to talk to your boss about a raise. Maybe you put a $100 bill under a citrine point at the center of your altar add malachite and clear Quartz to boost the money energy. Ask to release any blocks you have in regard to abundance and see your boss nodding his head in agreement. If gratitude is your focus, make your altar so pretty that every time you look at it, you offer a prayer of gratitude. If grieving a pet, place a happy picture of them on the altar add rose quartz and Apache tear to remember the love and help you let go in a loving way. Honor them by thanking them for the love they shared and the constancy of their friendship. You will find this can be very healing.
Ritual is a tool I will use for life. I hope this blog demystifies the idea of Rituals and encourages you to seek within to find where ritual might offer you help and peace of mind.