Goddess I AM is proud to host the Holistic Skin Clinic by Dr. T in our temple space.
The skin care clinic will focus on blemish removals and have a complementary skin scan. There will also be an option to scan and check your hormone levels.
Dr. Adie; Tel-Oren, (Dr. T) MD, LN, CCN, DABFM, DACBN educates medical professionals and the public world-wide about Nutritional, Environmental, & Functional Medicine.
Dr. T is the founder and president of Ecopolitan, promoting cutting-edge scientific knowledge & technologies that empower people to prevent & reverse disease. With 30 years of holisitc skin lesion treatment, he has trained many physicians to use his effective skin methods.
Proceeds from this event go to fund Dr.T's non-profit Everest Learning Academy in Nepal to provide quality education for disadvantaged & orphaned children.
Please schedule an appointment via text message 239-641-5559
Procedures will be paid to Dr.T directly and begin at $175